

Register My Athlete (RMA) Portal

The HISD RegisterMyAthlete portal is intended to streamline the process of submitting and approving student/athlete registration documents.  Electronic copies of completed forms are uploaded to the portal by parents/athletes for approval by HISD coaches and administrators.

RMA Registration for the 2024-2025 season is open and can be accessed here.

If you are a returning user, please login with existing credentials. If you have not previously used RMA, please create an account.  Once you are logged in, select Register an Athlete and follow the step-by-step instructions.  

You will be asked to upload scanned copies of the registration forms referenced below.  Please ensure that you are uploading fully completed and signed forms, including signatures from either a notary or HISD administrator (for the Athletic Insurance Waiver and Parent Approval Form).

Athletic Registration Forms

The following mandatory HISD forms must be completed and signed as instructed on the form.  If you are attending open gym, camp or tryouts, please complete the material by July 15, 2024.

If you are unable to get the Athletic Insurance Waiver and Parental Approval Form notarized, please reach out to our head coach who can arrange to have them signed by an HISD school administrator.

Once fully signed by all parties, copies of the forms should be uploaded to the RMA portal. 

HISD Physical Form

Physicals must be dated AFTER May 15, 2024. They can be carried out at your own doctor or at OnPoint Urgent Care (located at 3905 Richmond Ave, Houston), who will waive the fee if you leave a review.

The HISD 2024-2025 Physical Form can be downloaded here

HISD Athletic Insurance Waiver:

The Athletic Insurance Waiver must be completed and notarized by either a Notary Public in and for Harris County OR School Administrator/HISD Administrator.

The HISD 2023-2025 Athletic Insurance Waiver can be downloaded here

HISD Parent Approval Form:

The HISD Parent Approval form must be completed and notarized by either a Notary Public in and for Harris County OR School Administrator/HISD Administrator.

The HISD Parent Approval Form can be downloaded here